Kathy Matkin-Clapton | University of Lethbridge (Conservatory Choirs)
Arla Good, PhD • Frank A. Russo, PhD | Toronto Metropolitan University
Jane Gosine, PhD | Memorial University
Laurier Fagnan | Choral Music
SingWell is investigating group singing as a therapeutic activity for people living with communication challenges, including Parkinson’s, aphasia, hearing loss, breathing disorders or stuttering. Understanding how to harness the potential benefits of this activity requires insight into how singing leaders facilitate the experience, which is the purpose of this study.
Using qualitative tools, including surveys, focus groups and semi-structured interviews, we connected with 30+ individuals who lead singing groups for people living with communication challenges.
This study is currently in progress. Use the box below to sign up for our newsletter to hear about research updates and activities as we announce them!
While data collection and analysis are ongoing, interim thematic analysis reveals commonalities in leaders’ backgrounds, approaches and mindsets that we believe will help achieve two important goals. The first is shaping a Best Practices Guide for Singing Leaders that can be shared at conferences, in scholarly and professional publications and via organizations devoted to people living with communications challenges as a result of Parkinson’s, aphasia, stuttering, hearing loss and breathing disorders. The second is to provide an empirically and pedagogically sound singing leader accreditation program for groups that support people with communication challenges.
Knowledge dissemination will also be amplified through SingWell’s Speaker Series, comprised of six online conversations between researchers, practitioners, and singing group participants focused on a specific communication challenge, concluding with a final focus group on best practices for singing leaders.
Ⓒ 2020-2024, The SingWell Project